Saturday, January 25, 2020

Five Phases of Nursing Process Essay

Five Phases of Nursing Process Essay Discuss how the five phases of the nursing process may be used to provide effective nursing care (1500-2000) Introduction The nurse as a health care provider meets the total needs of the patient and this need to be done in an attentive and cautious way as there is life involved. Nursing is concerned with the psychological, spiritual, social and physical aspect of the person rather than only on the patient’s medical condition. Critical thinking alone is not enough for solving problems. Critical thinking needs to be combined with scientific methods to identify patient’s problems and provide care in an effective way. This structure of thinking and acting is called the nursing process. Nursing Process The nursing process plan is an important aid in the hospitalization of patients. It is a systematic, client oriented not task centred which enables the nurse to identify the client care problems. The effective use of the nursing process helps the nurse to determine not only existing problems but also problems that might arise in the future. Being able to assume problems may prevent pain and complications to the client. The nursing process consists of five interrelated phases – assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation. Each of the five steps depends on the efficiency of the previous steps. In each step of the nursing process both the nurse and the patient need to work together as partners. The nursing process is also a continuous process because health conditions can change from time to time. The nurse must frequently reassess, implement, insert new interventions and revaluate the overall process. The nursing process has no specific periods, it can last fo r days, months or years, and all this depends on the patient’s current status. All steps of the nursing process rely upon complete and authentic information gained and given about the client. Assessment The nursing process begins as soon as a relationship forms between the patient and the nurse. This nurse-client relationship will help and also determine part of the end results. Assessment begins by gaining data regarding the patient. Data can be collected from a variety of sources. The client is the primary source which can share personal perceptions and feelings about health and illness. During the assessing process the nurse and the patient will eventually start building a sense of trust between them. It is the nurse duty to make the patient comfortable enough to talk and give information; this will help the nurse to identify more quickly the patient strengths and weaknesses. Secondary sources are utilizing when additional information is required to clarify data and when the patient is unable to provide information. However, they include the patient’s family or individuals present in the patient’s environment. When data is given by secondary sources it is also important for the nurse to avoid being defensive as this may cause both the client and relatives to avoid being honest and open. The nurse communication must make the patient and famil y feel free to share their comments and also ask some questions, after all this aids for a better plan of care. The nurse while gaining information from secondary sources should carefully consider the patient’s right to confidentiality. Interviewing, observation and physical examination are three major methods that are used to gather information during nursing assessment. By interviewing the patient the nurse can acquire specific information and naturally it facilitates nurse-patient relationship. The nonverbal components of a nurse-patient interaction frequently transmit a message more effectively than the actual spoken words. The patient’s facial expression however also reveals important information. On the other hand observation involves the use of senses to acquire information and this mostly requires practice from the nurse. The focus of physical examination is the diagnosis of the disease. Both objective and subjective data are used while assessing the patient. Objective data consist of observational attitudes towards the patient’s behaviour. Subjective data is gathered when the nurse while interviewing the patient obtain data about his/her feelings. After the assessing part, documentation of data needs to be done. The purpose of documentation is to establish communication amongst the members of the health team. Documentation also tracks the patient progression and regression. Assessment is a continues activity that begins at the time of admission and continue during patient contact. Diagnosis After the nurse has collected and prioritized the patient data, diagnosis begins. The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) which operates the official list of nursing diagnostics states that nursing diagnosis are â€Å" a professional judgment based on the application of clinical knowledge which determined potential or actual experiences and responses to health problems and life processes†. Through nursing diagnosis the nurse can determine actual and potential health problems. Existing needs will always take the priority upon potential problems not because they are not important but the existing ones would need to be tackled first to try to avoid potential ones. In the diagnosing step, the nurse analyzes data gathered from the nursing assessment. These data help the nurse to identify patient strengths and health problems. In this phase data are processed, classified, interpreted, and validated. Classification allows the nurse to manage the large volume of data. Placing data into categories also helps the nurse to identify missing data that require for more discussion. Interpretation leads the nurse to recognize the patients’ patterns and trends. While through validation the nurse is able to verify the accuracy of data. Errors in the diagnostic process such as inaccurate interpretation of data, incomplete data and lack of knowledge or experience can result in nursing diagnostic statements that are not suitable for the patient. Diagnosis will help the nurse to report the findings to other health care professions and work collaboratively with them to resolve the patient problem. We should be aware about the difference occurring between nursing diagnosis and medical diagnosis. While the nursing diagnosis identifies responses to health and illness medical diagnosis focuses more on curing. Planning After the nurse collects patient data and identifies patient strengths and health problems, it is time to plan for nursing action. The nurse here can debate with a specialist to choose an adequate type of plan of care to a particular patient. During planning the nurse needs to work hand in hand with the patient and family to prioritize the nursing diagnosis. Educating the patient and answering questions about the patients’ doubts is really useful in this phase as this gives a clear image on what the patient needs are to build his/her outcomes. Prioritizing takes place by identifying patient goals and expected outcomes, identify nursing interventions that may help the patient to achieve his/her goals, and communicate the plan of care. If an outcome is nursed-focused rather than patient-centred it is incorrectly done. If a patient is not willing enough to achieve certain goals and outcomes than the plan of care would be waste of time. The inclusion of the patient as and active p articipant in the plan of care will help to facilitate the achievement of the outcomes. Patient’s refusal to participate in the plan of care may result to a failure in validation. The nurse, patient and family need to work together to make the goals valuable and lead to a worthwhile plan of care. The initial planning is the initial assessment as soon as the patient admission and this may change several times according to the patient new diagnosis and goals. Ongoing planning is the assessment done by all the nurses who work with the client throughout the time a patient is admitted to hospital. Discharge planning is the plan of care after the patient is discharged from hospital. Implementation The implementation phase begins after the nursing care plan has been developed. Here plan of care is put into action to see how effective it is. The purpose of implementation is to assist the patient in achieving desired health goals: prevent disease and illness, restore health and facilitate coping with altered functioning. It is important for the nurse to assess the patient periodically so it will be easy for the nurse to establish whether interventions are being effective. Again when implementing nursing care it is important to work in partnership with the patient and family. Before implementing nursing action, the nurse should reassess the patient again to make sure whether the action is still needed. It is very typical that changes occur within the nursing actions due to health changes which may be enhanced or deteriorated. After all it is of great importance to face the patient about his/her health situation caringly, he/she has right to know what he/she is experiencing. Docume ntation is really important in this phase both for the nurse and for the patient. The nurse through documentation can evaluate and examine the patient’s status while the patient can by him/herself analyze his/her own health advancement and where he/she can improve more to reach goals. After documentation is done the nurse should consult colleagues to see if other approaches might be more successful. Evaluation The process of evaluation which is ongoing happens as soon as all the nursing intervention actions occur. Through evaluation the nurse in relation with the patient determine whether the goals/outcomes stated in the plan of care have been met, partially met or not met. Effectiveness of care is determined through this process in which new modification can be introduced. Based on the patient’s responses to the plan of care and achievement the nurse can decide whether to terminate, if there are difficulties in achieving outcomes or continue the plan of care if more time is needed to achieve goals. The purpose of evaluation is to determine the overall patient’s progress, lack of progress and the effectiveness of nursing care in helping patient’s achieve their expected outcomes/goals. Evaluation can be conducted at the end of the nursing process and this is done by comparing the patient’s health status with the outcomes defined in the plan of care. If evaluation reveals that the patient has made little or no progress towards goals/outcomes stated in the plan of care the nurse needs to revaluate each previous step. If the outcome was achieved by the patient then the care plan can be revised again without the need to add more outcomes in the nursing plan. An effective evaluation can result from the nurse’s accurate communication with the patient and good observation skills throughout the ongoing process. Evaluation can give a feedback; this feedback is judging the nurse whether being a good care giver or what could be arranged next time to be a better one. Conclusion When the nursing process is used effectively it promotes many advantages both towards the nurse and patient. From the nurse’s point of view, the nursing process enables you to determine if your nursing care helped the client. The nursing process also helps the nurse to avoid errors and inadequacy in the plan of care. The nurse by making use of the nursing process can improve communication with the rest of the health care professions and patients. On the other hand, the client is an active participant, knowing well his/her roles in his/her health status. Therefore, the patient is given a sense of responsibility. When the nursing process is delivered in a proper way, it works efficiently leading to satisfying results. This is the reason why nurses are encouraged to make use of this process as much as possible. Sometimes it is difficult to manage to implement the nursing process well to each patient. Often wards are too chaotic having opposing patients or being short of staff and it is difficult for a nurse to give a lot of attention on each patient. Nurses are human and as humans they are not perfect, although they try to give their best in patient’s care and needs. After all their dedicated work, nurses get back a huge sense of satisfaction when seeing that they were part of great difference to others.

Friday, January 17, 2020

There Is a Competiton Between Education and Appearance

There is a competition between appearance and education. Physical appearance is something that you will get a first impression on. There are many reasons why education is important to me and should be important to everyone. Appearance can take a back seat when it comes to the corporate world. Education is something everyone can relate to. When it comes to physical appearance or education people may have their different views on which one is more important. This might be a problem in our modern day society. Failure to make the proper one a priority can lead to a life of crime drugs and being unsuccessful. Some individuals may think that physical appearance is more important or that education is more important than the other. In the play Death of a Salesman by Author Miller it’s clear that Willy feels appearance is more important than education. Willy puts that appearance is better than education in all of his family heads. Then there are some that think that they both can be managed equally. This is an argument that will go on for years to come. I personally think that education is way more important than physical appearance for many different reasons. Life can be easier for people that can distinguish at an early age which one is more important. I think the ones that can distinguish which are more important at an early age will have a head start in life. I think that education is more important than physical appearance or talent because, majority of individuals in today society will rely on education to make a living rather than their appearance or talent. With an education I feel that you will have way more opportunities to be successful in life. No matter how much I dislike school or how much it may sometimes get me down, I know that it will be beneficial in the future. Education is important to me because no matter how much I may dislike sitting in school with a teacher I don’t care for, I know there is nothing more important to me for my future. I someday will want a house, a car, a family, and a job and the good and bad experiences through education will one day help me achieve all of these. Being worried about your appearance can have an effect on you where you will not be focused on your education. A person that is worried about their appearance does not have time to worry about their education. Even if u do get a good job that pays goods you still need some kind of education because people will take advantage of you . Education will lead you to a better life in the future and make it more stable. With education u will be able to get a good job and you will become better off financially and be able to support your family. I would be able to have as much amenities as I want and also be able to pay my bills on time and don’t have to worry about where the next check will come from. With a better education I will be able to live around people that want something in life. Individuals that are like this their opinions are valued more. With that good education I would be able to do many other things such as travel the world and see different religions and see how different people live which will be a nice experience for me and my family. I would be able to buy better looking clothes and look good. In the article ‘Working at McDonalds’s’ it shows the importance of education and how it pays off these high school teens. It shows how hard life will be with a minimum wage job and how it can’t provide a life that they dreamed about and desire. In the last couple of years, we have come across to a big issue, children, and adult dropping out school. People who have completed high school earn more than those who have not, people with bachelor’s degree earn more than those with only an undergraduate education. In the article ‘Giving Kids Opportunity’ by Hector Batista the guy that created a program which helped people without an education to get training that will help them get a job. I don’t think that if these people could have made a living off if their appearance they won’t be coming back to get this jobs training. Which it show the importance of education. His father was very big on education and what it can do for you. This gave these people chance at life and showed them that it is not the end for them. With education I can help children that are in troubled situations and encourage them that there is hope. In this Twenty-First Century, the value of education has taken on a whole new meaning. So no matter what, education is the key that allows people to move up in the world, seek better jobs, and ultimately succeed fully in life. Society usually says the more educated, the better of a person will be. People who attend college tend to work in white collar jobs in office buildings or other facilities. With air-conditioning, heating, and conveniences that improve the quality of life. This will make our lives easier and happier to work somewhere that we like to and education can give us that option. I feel that education is something that no one can take away from us once we have it but on the other hand if you make a living on appearance and you get into a car accident one day and you no longer look beautiful what will you rely on. So don’t be one of the few that tries to make a living on appearance rather than a good education.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Equality For African Americans - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1926 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/04/02 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Black Lives Matter Essay Did you like this example? Shootings of unarmed African Americans by law enforcement have exacerbated rhetoric on both sides of the political spectrum and has sparked an activist movement. There have been marches and protests as a response to police officers not being held accountable for the slaughter of unarmed people of color, and the social movement that has emerged as a result is exemplified by a twitter hashtag #Blacklivesmatter. This civil rights movement is housed within a particular discourse of American society. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Equality For African Americans" essay for you Create order The idea of a post-racial society is one that many people living in the United States believe that they are not racist and that we all live on an equal playing field, regardless of skin color. It ignores historical injustices, and systematic repressive policy that has disadvantaged people of color drastically throughout American history. One could argue that it instead has led to an even more disparate racial impact. The idea of colorblindness is a direct result of the false ideology of a non-racial United States. The idea that we as a society have moved passed race has launched a counter-movement which is #Blacklivesmatter. This idea of colorblindness is exemplified with the counter twitter handle to #Blacklivesmatter, which is #Alllivesmatter. #Blacklivesmatter has received much backlash which draws parallels to the backlash of Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement began as a response to the killing of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. It continued to grow in strength with each act of police brutality. BLM was created as a counter to police brutality. It also functions to humanize and depict what Black lives actually are. The movement works as a counter balance to a society that targets People of Color and systematically works to maintain a regime of white supremacy. BLM works to change Americans perspectives, to free Black lives from inequality and empower communities of color. All Lives Matter.(ALM) was crafted as a counter to the Black Lives Matter movement. This is not a valid statement. It twists the ideology and message of BLM and portrays them as anti-white instead of being pro-black. While all lives do matter; black lives have been systematically devalued and dehumanized throughout our nations history. In our history slaves were only counted as ?†¦Ã¢â‚¬â€ of a person when counting population for the census. Why even today in our supposed post-racial society do we continue devaluing the lives of people of color? The answer lies in our society, one where institutional racism is baked into the pie, and that ripples of our blatant past racism is just bubbling to the surface today as overt racism. Race consciousness is defined as the understanding or awareness that there is a difference between one persons physical characteristics, culture and history. It is a modern phenomenon. Race was not a factor used to divide people in a society until the last few centuries. The first theories on race were based on biological characteristics of humans. When the first European explorers came to America and saw individuals who had different skin pigmentation as themselves, they began to question if they were of the same species (Omi and Winant 1986). This line of questioning lead to a desire to categorize humans in the same way animals were being classified.Race as a concept was tied to biological theory. Classification of peoples came next. The classification of these different races of people categorized by their skin color was further refined into the creation of the Great Chain of Being. The Great Chain of Being was a classification of all things on earth in a hierarchical order. It st arted with inanimate objects at the bottom, going up through inferior species, and then to humans that were the closest to God (Omi and Winant 1986). At this point in time there was further classification, deciding which group of people based on skin pigmentation was more perfect than another. The Essay on the Inequality of Races was based off of the scientific studies that saw race as a biological feature (Omi and Winant 1986). Its main theme was that superior races produce superior cultures and still acts as the basis for racist ideology even today. Race then shifted from being thought of as biological to being thought of as a social construct. The belief of one culture being lesser than the other based biological theory was being rejected. In its place was race as being defined from both a social and historical perspective. Each racial group and its importance was now being determined by a combination of social, economic, and political forces (Omi Winant 1986). This new conceptualization in which race was being formed now caused a persons skin color to be an indicator of personality traits. Biological factors were still being taken into account, but they were no longer the main reason that made one race inferior to the other. In its place, stereotypes that developed out of social, political and economic forces were linked back to the color of ones skin and it is those characteristics that society believed everyone of a certain group possessed. Racial formation, the theory developed by Michael Omi and Howard Winant, looks at race as a social construct. This theory says that what makes up a racial category and the importance of each racial category is based on a mix of social, economic and political forces (Omi and Winant 1986). In the United States, racial formation started with the birth of slavery. Before slavery, a main source of labor came from indentured servants. During this period of time, both blacks and whites were in the same social class and it was the white ruling elite that were the upper class. The growing demand for cheap labor in the South and the large size of the lower class led to the enslavement of African Americans (Takaki 1993). The elite white land owning class was oppressing the lower class blacks and whites by controlling the majority of the land, money and politics. The elite class was terrified that the lower class would overthrow them. In order to maintain power, the white ruling elite prevented the laboring class made up of black and white from joining together (Kendi, p.40). To justify the enslavement of black people the elite planter class used the excuse that blacks were a lesser race, thus both slavery and racism was born. To further reinforce this idea that black people were inferior and to divide the laboring class, whites were given more rights and positions of power (through policing and patrolling slaves) over the black people (Kendi 2016).In the time period prior to the Civil Rights era the racist ideology was centered on African Americans inability as a culture and their lesser intelligence. It was during this time that racism was also completely overt. During this time period societal norms allowed for overt racism and it wasnt frowned upon, as it is in todays society. Policy, attitude and rhetoric were all more blatantly racist than they are in our current climate. Since this period of time, racism ha s evolved. When the Civil Rights Movement was first started, the agenda was to fight these forms of racism and get the government to guarantee fundamental citizenship rights for blacks (Kendi p.387). While the Civil Rights Movement removed some legal barriers of discrimination, it did not end all forms of discrimination. Since the end of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, there has been a major shift in the expression of racism. The overt discrimination against groups of people based off of biological factors is no longer the main form of racism, it has been replaced by covert racism or the idea that we live in a post-racial America. One of the beliefs is that discrimination no longer exists and that Americans do not see the color of a persons skin; they are colorblind (Kendi, 2016). Also there is a belief that seeing race is admitting that it matters and it does still have an effect on the lives of people of color. This dichotomy of societal expectations have changed all across America in the post-Civil Rights era. Saying certain things in public or discriminating against someone based on skin color is no longer socially acceptable. Instead it is more acceptable to criticize a group due to cultural and social failings online, and most likely anonymously. Stating that America is a colorblind soc iety is also assuming that we as a nation are able to leave behind the racial divisions that have been present in our society even before the inception of the United States. That is not the reality, in fact America has simply developed a new form of racism that has replaced the overt racism of the past as the most common type of racism. This new form of racism is a culture-centered subtle form of racism, unlike the biological founded racism of the past (Kendi p.498). One of the first things people notice about someone is their race. It is used as a gauged to who they are as a person. The differences in skin color, facial features and other biological characteristics are used as a clue to determine who a person is on the inside (Omi and Winant 1986). There has been a change in what American people believe inequality is caused by. The overt form of racism instilled the belief that persons of color are born with lesser potential and ability to whites is disappearing while the colorblind form of racism shown in the belief that its black peoples lack of motivation or willpower that leads to inequality (Kendi 2016). This means that American people say inequali ty has nothing to do with the color of ones skin but instead about their individual ability. This fallacy of individual meritocracy completely ignores that past history of oppression that black people suffered. It instead puts focus solely on stereotypes that are used as excuses to justify the oppression. Since the beginning of America, black lives have been disvalued. Black people were put into bondage solely on the basis of the color of their skin and other biological characteristics. After the emancipation of slavery, black lives were still discriminated due to their skin pigmentation. The predominant form of racism is no longer overt or based on biological characteristics. This subtle form of racism has greatly influenced various parts of American society including the criminal justice system. The All Lives Matter response is a product of a colorblind society.It is used as an excuse to end conversations about race, and how it still plays a large role in our society. The Black Lives Matter Movement is a civil rights movement to fight against overt and covert racism. Its stating that race matters in a society where race is stated to be insignificant and a thing of the past by many. BLM is arguing that instead of colorblind, we need to be color conscious. BLM is not ignoring that racism is still a problem in the United States, instead it brings our current inequalities to light; especially in the wake of killings of unarmed persons of color. Race matters and Black Lives Matter. It is Black Lives Matters charge to shift public perception and make changes to the criminal justice system so that way we can live in a society that is more equitable for all lives. Works Cited KENDI, IBRAM. STAMPED FROM THE BEGINNING: the Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America. THE BODLEY HEAD LTD, 2017. Omi, Michael, and Howard Winant. Racial Formation in the United States. Routledge, 2015. Takaki, Ronald T. A Different Mirror: a History of Multicultural America. Little, Brown, 1993.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Effects Of Spanking On Children s Children - 880 Words

Growing up most children had experienced being spanked.Being spanked is not fun and hurts very bad. Sometimes children get spanked for something they did wrong or simply because they lied.Spanking is a form of child abuse and can hurt a child s feelings. Spanking of children can cause a disattchament between parents and child. It can also cause a child to not trust their parents.Spankings can cause a distraction for children and it can affect their school work. Hitting children can cause them to have life memorable scar on their body that could cause reseniment. Spanking can cause a child to rebill against parents.It also can cause them to have hatred against their parents.Spanking is not accptable because it show children that its accpeteable to hit other children.Parents should not spank their children because it promotes violence, damages relationship and trust, and it teaches children to lie when confronted Parents should not spank their children because it promotes violence. When parents start spankng their children they tend to grow up thinking is fine to hit.Most boys grow up hitting girl or hating them because they were hit by their mother. Spanking of a child can cause them to think its accptedable to hit someone if they do something wrong.It teaches children fighting or hitting is a way to deal with a conflict. Parents teach their children that it is not accectpable to hit other children but use spanking as a positive way of getting a understanding with theirShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Spanking On Children s Perception Essay2092 Words   |  9 Pagesthe effects of spanking on children. â€Å"With more than 30 years of research, we can now visualize accurately how spanking can alter a child’s perception.† (Scrock 2009) Although spanking has been the â€Å"go-to† way of discipline, it is starting to be looked on as a form of child abuse. 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